Healthy Wisconsin Website

Building a website and a healthier Wisconsin

It took over 5 years and more than 1,500 collaborators to develop Wisconsin’s ambitious 2020 state health improvement plan. The next step? Collaborating with KW2’s government and public health experts to create a website as part of a public health marketing strategy that engages all Wisconsinites in the state’s mission to give everyone the opportunity for a healthy life.


Like setting out to improve the health of an entire state, a site that distills the work of thousands of Wisconsin community leaders, public health advocates and clinicians into a few simple pages could seem overwhelming. To help people understand our state’s public health goals, Healthy Wisconsin needed a government website design that operated like a community resource for tracking progress, sharing stories and learning more.


KW2 divided the state’s healthy priority report into bite-size overviews of the most critical health challenges facing Wisconsin. A system of icons and easy-to-understand data visualization help users explore each priority area, understand state goals and download comprehensive plans. The site will also feature a filterable news feed to keep Healthy Wisconsin visitors updated, as well as tools for submitting and sharing community success stories that encourage stakeholders to participate by highlighting the progress local initiatives have made.


Wisconsin’s health is always changing, and so is the Healthy Wisconsin website. It’s what keeps visitors coming back for more: the site’s average visit duration outlives the average for all direct traffic sites by more than 40 seconds, and over half of users visit the site more than once. Since launch, the site’s word-of-mouth public health marketing strategy has resulted in more than 1000 priority area report downloads.

Visit Duration

Graphic showing average direct traffic visit is 1 minute 50 seconds and average website visit is 2 minutes 34 seconds

User Type

Pie chart showing user type 55% returning and 45% new
Healthy Wisconsin logo and five icons

Healthy Wisconsin website page on open laptop
Hands holding smart phone with Healthy Wisconsin mobile app on screen
Healthy Wisconsin collateral

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