Lorraine helps advise KW2 as a part of our Diversity, Inclusion and Sensitivity Advisory Committee. Lorraine has more than 20 years of experience designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and disease prevention programs, and is recognized as a national leader in minority health advocacy, community engagement and social marketing. Her firm’s mission is to provide innovative and culturally relevant technical support to nonprofit, public health and private sector organizations. Her agency engages in strategic partnerships to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes for vulnerable populations. JATSC has administered the state-funded Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network and the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Poverty Network since 2008, and Lorraine Co-Chaired the Planning Committee for the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control 2020–2025 Plan. She was recently named recipient of the 2020 C. Everett Koop Unsung Heroes Award for her incredible work with the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program in addressing tobacco-related disparities among low-income and African American communities in Wisconsin.
To learn more about Lorraine, please visit Jump at the Sun Consultants.