Christopher helps advise KW2 as a part of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Throughout Chris’ professional career, he’s held positions and worked with and in communities where Diversity, Equity and Inclusion were at the forefront of topics that demanded attention and constant implementation of policy and action to better serve the communities.
He is the co-creator and current program manager of the tribal division of the Information Technology Academy, a pre-college academic and technology prep program through the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) at UW-Madison. He is also the founder and coordinator at Color In The Outdoors, an organization focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the outdoor world.
Previously, Chris taught the Building Bridges program for the Centers for Prevention and Intervention of Alcohol and other Drug Abuse (PICADA), and he’s a former member of the Dane County Minority Affairs Commission.
To learn more about Christopher, please visit Information Technology Academy.